Frequently Asked Questions


When will my order be shipped?
  • Orders are generally shipped out the same day or next day.
What if I place an order with express shipping?
  • Express shipping is only offered M-F. (Express orders placed over the weekend will ship Monday morning.)
  • Express orders placed before 1PM CST will typically ship same day.
  • Express orders placed after 1PM CST will typically ship the following day.
Which carrier does PSH use to ship?
  • We ship via FedEx.
How long will it take to receive my order?
  • Ground shipping in the United States typically takes 1-4 days, depending on location.
  • Ground shipping in Canada typically takes 4-7 days, depending on location.
Does PSH ship outside the US?
  • Yes, we ship worldwide.


Are the prices listed in USD or CAD?
  • All prices are in USD.
Does PSH offer a Military Discount?
  • Yes, we do! All current military and veterans are encouraged to fill out the form on our Contact Us page requesting a military discount. Upon verification, a military discount will automatically be applied to your account.


What are PSH’s hours of operation?
  • We are available M-F from 7AM-4PM CST
If I place an order after hours, when will it ship?
  • Orders placed after hours will ship following day.
Where is PSH located?
  • Our equipment warehouse is located 20 miles west of Chicago, IL.
Does PSH have a retail location?
  • We do not currently have a retail location – we are online only!

Equipment Measurements


Which items can be personalized?
How much does personalization cost?
  • Player & Goalie Stick personalization is $10
  • Glove personalization is $15
  • Blade case personalization is $3
How are gloves/sticks personalized?
  • Stick personalization is done through the use of an industrial printer.
  • Glove personalization is a screen print, with the name/number heat pressed on the cuff.  We use black or white color lettering only.
  • Click here to learn more about personalized gear.


Does PSH have a rewards program?
  • Yes, customers that make a store account are automatically enrolled.
  • You can review your PSH Rewards balance on desktop by clicking the blue tab in the bottom right corner of your screen
  • You can review your PSH Rewards balance on our mobile app by signing into your account and tapping the black tab in the lower left corner.
  • Please see our Rewards page for more information:
Can I combine multiple discount codes on my order?
  • Only one discount code can be used per order. But you can add codes to the notes section for the order. 


Does PSH offer a warranty?
  • Yes, we offer a 30-day warranty on all sticks. The warranty coverage starts on the date your order ships.


Does PSH accept returns?
  • Due to the limited availability, customized specifications and constantly changing inventories of authentic pro stock hockey sticks and equipment, we are not able to accept returns.


  • **In the event PSH made an error in the shipment of your order, please immediately notify us via our Contact Us page. PSH will provide you with a Returned Goods Authorization number and postage paid label to you for the shipment of the incorrect product back to our distribution facility and credit you upon its receipt.**


Why are there more left-handed sticks than right-handed sticks?
  • Over the years, a combination of factors has contributed towards skewing our stick totals:
    • More than 63% of NHL players are left-handed.
    • A significant portion of our customer base resides in the US where right-handed players are more common.
What does “dressed as” mean on some of the available sticks?
  • When a stick is “dressed as” something else, the graphic you see does not match the stick build. Different stick builds are better suited for certain play styles, so it’s important not to choose a stick based solely off the graphic – it’s what’s on the inside that counts!
Why do manufacturers “dress” a stick with a different graphic?
  • Manufacturers will often “dress” older stick builds with a newer graphic for marketing purposes. Young players will often want to use what their favorite NHL player is using, so using the latest graphic helps drive sales towards the latest stick.
Does PSH sell used equipment?
  • All player equipment is new unless otherwise specified in the product description. Any used or taped sticks that we receive are donated to local charities. Some sticks may feature blemishes on the shaft/blade due to shipping
  • We will often receive goalie gear that has been used but still in working condition. These items are often heavily discounted based on the condition of the item. If you have questions regarding the usage of a specific product, please give us a call at 855-649-0800.
Do all pro stock sticks come with an end cap featuring the team logo?
  • Only select Warrior sticks will come with the custom team end caps. They are currently the only manufacturer to offer this option for their players.
  • In fact, not all of our sticks will come with an end cap. We sell sticks as we receive them and a lot of the sticks we receive do not come with the end caps.
Can I individually purchase an end cap with an NHL team logo via Pro Stock Hockey?
  • No, we do not sell the end caps separately.
Are end caps needed to help the performance of the stick?
  • No, the end caps are not needed and do not affect the performance of the stick whatsoever. Truth be told, a significant portion of NHL players will discard them before use.